What Are The Different Types Of Asbestos Air Monitoring? (And Which Do I Need?)

When handling asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), several safety practices are put into place. Air monitoring is one of them, and it’s an important aspect of ensuring everyone’s health and well-being.

In its undisturbed and undamaged state, asbestos isn’t dangerous. But if an ACM is damaged in some way, it can release microscopic asbestos fibres into the air. They can then be inhaled or ingested and stick to a person’s lungs, which can lead to life-threatening diseases years in the future.

Airborne asbestos fibres are extremely dangerous. That’s why air monitoring before, during, and after asbestos work is an important part of keeping everyone safe.

In this video, we discuss the different types of asbestos air monitoring procedures used in commercial buildings.

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Removing asbestos from schools is a complex and high-risk process that requires careful planning. This video covers key challenges, including identifying asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), preventing fiber release, ensuring safety through containment measures, scheduling work outside school hours, and complying with UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) regulations.
