What Is The Asbestos Removal Process?

Asbestos was once widely used in construction, and though it was banned in 1999, any buildings built prior to 2000 are still likely to contain asbestos. Even one incident of being exposed to asbestos fibres can cause serious diseases later in life, including asbestosis and different types of cancer.

Damaged asbestos releases dangerous fibres that can be inhaled or ingested without realising it. By following a regulated process for identifying and removing asbestos, you’ll keep those on the property safe from serious health complications.

In this video, we answer the question, “Why is proper asbestos removal essential?”

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VIDEO: What Are the Issues and Risks When Removing Asbestos From Schools?

Removing asbestos from schools is a complex and high-risk process that requires careful planning. This video covers key challenges, including identifying asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), preventing fiber release, ensuring safety through containment measures, scheduling work outside school hours, and complying with UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) regulations.
