RPE / All Types of Face Fit Testing

Travelling to you anywhere in the UK to give you your legally compliant testing certification:

Oracle Solutions Ltd provide any type of face fit testing no matter where you are! Not only can we provide face fit testing at our head office or training suite, we can deliver this testing directly to you, throughout the UK. We provide the documentation you need and provide you with the RPE (Respirator Protective Equipment) that works for you whenever, wherever! It is a legal requirement for you and your employees to hold the correct documentation and this is where we can help you. Let Oracle Solutions take that stress away, we have a dedicated, highly trained and experienced team that can give you the reassurance you need.

Why do you need Face Fit Testing?

face fit testing It is a legal requirement. If you do not carry out this type of testing, not only will you be breaching regulations but there are over 12,000 deaths each year in the UK alone due to past exposure to harmful substances at work. If you or your employees are required to wear RPE as part of your job then do not take the risk! The test only takes 20 – 25 minutes of your day. Once the test is complete we will supply you with all the documentation you need to give you reassurance that you can face any harmful substances safely. Best practice is to book face fit testing at the same time as you have asbestos awareness training, non licensed asbestos removal training or other asbestos training which may be given where you will need to wear RPE.

When do you need a Face Fit Test?

If you or your employees are on site and having to wear RPE, you need this now. Regulations such as COSHH (Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health), CAR 2012 (Control of Asbestos Regulations) and CLaW (Control of Lead At Work) state face fit testing should be part of the initial respirator selection process. We have the ability to provide you with the correct respirator, ensuring it fits to your face correctly and providing you with the ultimate protection in any environment you work in. If your having asbestos awareness training or asbestos non licensed training then it’s a great opportunity to have your face fit test completed as the trainer will give you advice on RPE usage and how to appropriately select RPE.

What RPE do you need?

Face Fit Testing 1 If you are not sure what the best respirator is for you and your employees, then speak to us. We have a knowledgeable team who can advise you of what is the best respirator for you, plus we can supply you with the respirators you require to give you the reassurance that your employees are protected in any environment in accordance with HSG53 regulation. A lot of our clients when having there asbestos awareness training or asbestos non licensed training opt for us to provide RPE at that time. We go through the whole selection process and include training on its usage. Then we undertake the face fit testing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about face fit testing services. Can’t find what you’re looking for? ‘Contact us’ and we’ll be happy to help.

How often should a fit test be carried out?

The test should be carried out ‘regularly’ or if the wearer:

  • weight loss or gain.
  • substantial dental work.
  • any facial changes (scars, moles, effects of ageing etc) around the face seal area.
  • facial piercings.
  • introduction or change in other head-worn personal protective equipment (PPE).

Some companies have a policy of retesting everyone, two or three years (depending on level of risk).

What is Quantitative Face Fit Testing?

Used for all tight-fitting respirators so no limitations, ensuring confidence on the accuracy of the results.

The mask is attached to a particle counting machine (a Portacount). Unlike qualitative testing which is relying on one person to do the testing, the machine counts the particles.

The machine will detect if any airborne particles are inside the mask which means there is a break in the seal.

The machine will give a ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ at the end of the test.

What to expect on the day?

No smoking, drinking, eating or chewing gum for 15 minutes before the test, as this could affect the results.

No beards or stubble where the mask seals because this affects the fit

There may also be an issue with longer sideburns.

A test must be done for each different type of mask – so one for half face and one for full face

Approx 15mins per delegate

There are several exercises that are completed during the test

  • Normal breathing
  • Deep breathing
  • Turning head side to side
  • Moving head up and down
  • Talking
  • Bending over
  • Normal breathing as number 1

Each test is performed for at least 60 seconds, during the above exercises the wearer will be carrying out a stepping exercise.

What if the candidate normally wears a hard hat or goggles with their respirator?

If you wear other PPE for example a hard hat and googles which could interfere with the seal of the mask, then please bring to wear during your face fit test to check their compatibility.

To book a face fit testing appointment call
0844 800 0801 or submit an enquiry below.

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