Category B (Cat B) Non-Licenced Asbestos Removal Training & Refresher Courses

Providing UKATA approved cat b asbestos training courses to businesses throughout the uk.

Virtual Online Training Available (Refresher Course Only)

In response to the current COVID-19 crisis, Oracle Solutions are now able to offer virtual online training courses. Find out more about our virtual training courses or to book your place.

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UKATA & CPD Accredition Logos Asbestos Category B (Cat B) Non Licenced Removal & Refresher training should be given to those whose work will knowingly disturb low risk asbestos containing materials. Good examples of these types of people are maintenance workers, roofers, demolition workers and supervisors / managers of such people.

For someone to have appropriate training for non-licensed work they must have completed asbestos awareness training and asbestos non-licensed training. Asbestos awareness gives the candidate the basic introduction to asbestos and risk.

The non-licensed training gives the candidate specific task instruction and training. Once both of these training elements have been completed the candidate has had the required training to allow them to carry out works where defined as non-licensed asbestos works.

These are two separate training courses although they are generally delivered on the same day for those that require it. Asbestos non-licensed training does not include the asbestos awareness element as some candidates may have previously completed this training.

Who are these courses aimed at?

Category B (Cat B) Non-Licenced Asbestos Removal Work Training & Refresher Training Courses 1 These asbestos courses are aimed at giving legal compliance to workers and those that supervise and manage workers who will be knowingly disturbing low risk asbestos materials as part of their job / role for any reason.

Generally this non licenced asbestos awareness training course is utilised by contractors such as builders, roofers, demolition contractors and others where their activities will require them to remove or disturb asbestos containing materials.

This training is the first step to compliance and will give all candidates a good general understanding of all requirements to safely and successfully work on low risk asbestos containing materials.

How long is the training valid for?

It is a legal requirement that Cat B Non Licensed Asbestos training is updated (refreshed) every 12 months, as a minimum.

How long are the courses?

Cat B Non Licenced Asbestos Training is a full day course and runs for approximately 6 to 7 hours.

Cat B Non Licenced Asbestos Refresher training is a shorter course and runs for approximately 3-4 Hours

What does Asbestos Awareness Training and Non-Licensed Training Teach You?

Cat B Non Licenced Asbestos Training:

The following is a list of some basic items which you would learn if you took both the asbestos awareness course and non-licensed course on the same day. The list is not exhaustive as the asbestos awareness training has a large amount of content on its own. Full details of the asbestos awareness training content can be found hereFor a full breakdown of the asbestos awareness training or non-licensed course please contact us and we will send you full details of what you will learn.

  • The properties of asbestos and its effects on health, including the increased risk of lung cancer for those exposed to asbestos who smoke;
  • The types, uses and likely occurrence of asbestos and asbestos containing materials in buildings and plant;
  • The general procedures to be followed to deal with an emergency, e.g. an uncontrolled release of asbestos dust into the workplace;
  • How to avoid the risks from asbestos, e.g. for building work, no employee should carry out work which disturbs the fabric of a building unless the employer has confirmed that asbestos containing materials are not present.
  • the operations which could result in asbestos exposure and the importance of preventive controls to minimise exposure;
  • how to make suitable and sufficient assessments of the risk of exposure to asbestos;
  • the control limit, and the purpose of air monitoring;
  • safe work practices, control measures, and protective equipment. This should include an explanation of how the correct use and maintenance of control measures, protective equipment and work methods can reduce the risks from asbestos, limit exposure to workers and limit the spread of asbestos fibres outside the work area including, where relevant, the maintenance of enclosures;
  • procedures for recording, reporting and correcting defects;
  • the purpose, appropriate choice and correct selection from a range of suitable RPE, including any limitations;
  • the correct use, and where relevant, cleaning, maintenance and safe storage of RPE and PPE, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and information;
  • the importance of achieving and maintaining a good seal between face and RPE, the relevance of pre-use tests and FFTs, and the importance of being clean-shaven;
  • hygiene requirements;
  • requirements and procedures for medical examination, for NNLW;
  • decontamination procedures;
  • waste handling procedures;
  • emergency procedures, including how to deal with an emergency release;
  • which work requires notification as NNLW and which work requires an HSE licence;
  • an introduction to the relevant asbestos regulations, ACOPs and guidance that apply to asbestos work and other regulations that deal with the carriage and disposal of asbestos;
  • personal sampling and leak and clearance sampling techniques, for analysts;
  • other work hazards, including working at height, electrical,

Cat B Non Licensed Refresher Training:

  • Refresher training is a basic recap of the full course with particular attention paid to areas where further understanding is required.

Oracle provide non licensed asbestos training courses throughout the UK including Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Northamptonshire, Cambridgeshire, Swansea & Cardiff, Glasgow & Edinburgh, Bristol, Milton Keynes and London.

Virtual Online Training Available (Refresher Course Only)

In response to the current COVID-19 crisis, Oracle Solutions are now able to offer virtual online training courses. Find out more about our virtual training courses or to book your place.

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    If you would like more information about Oracle Solutions range of training courses contact us on 0844 800 0801 or complete the asbestos training course request form below.

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    Book Your Place on our UKATA Approved Asbestos Training Courses

    To be fully asbestos aware be sure to book your place on one of our industry approved training courses.

    To book your place or to find out more information call us on 0844 2451774 or click the button below.

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