What is UKATA & Why Should You Use UKATA Asbestos Training Providers?

The United Kingdom Asbestos Training Association. Is a not-for-profit association established in 2008. UKATA are now recognised as the asbestos industries leading association and are for members who are serious about providing the highest level of asbestos training to people and organisations across the UK.

UKATA constantly monitor and audit their members and only by achieving the highest standards are members able to hold and maintain their membership or certification. The monitoring and auditing undertaken by UKATA ensures that their members deliver asbestos training which is in line or exceeds current asbestos guidance as provided by the Health & Safety Executive. Although the HSE do not endorse UKATA, as they do not endorse any association, they do recognise UKATA as being a reputable and trustworthy source for asbestos training providers.

UKATA’s success and position has been driven by industry and by the need for having confidence in training being delivered. UKATA enables those that require training to choose a provider knowing that they have achieved a suitable level of competence and are able to deliver training which is legally compliant and fit for purpose.

UKATA asbestos training

What asbestos training does UKATA support?

UKATA supports a variety of asbestos training courses which providers are able to apply for under their membership. In applying to be able to deliver a particular course, providers are then audited regularly for that chosen course and are certified for that particular type of training. The main courses which a provider can be certified for under UKATA are:

  • Asbestos Awareness Training
  • Asbestos Non-Licensed Operative Training
  • Asbestos Licensable Work Training
  • Duty to Manage Asbestos Training
  • Duty to Manage Asbestos Appointed Person Training

These are in our opinion the main courses to which you can be UKATA certified and includes giving the initial training and then where required annual refresher training in all specific subjects. UKATA certify other asbestos training courses and non asbestos training courses and a full list can be found on their website.

Are UKATA training certificates recognised and traceable?

UKATA LogoYes. All training given by a certified UKATA course provider is clearly marked with the UKATA logo. This logo has become synonymous in industry for quality training and is recognisable by most organisations who take their training seriously. In addition each certificate is uniquely numbered with a specific serial number. Each and every UKATA training certificate can be checked for authenticity on the UKATA website.

Do members of UKATA have to abide by rules of membership?

Yes. For a member to maintain their certification and membership they must abide by a strict set of rules as laid out by UKATA. Failure to meet these rules or uphold what is laid out in the members rules document can result in termination of membership and certification. UKATA course providers are routinely inspected and monitored to ensure they abide by the rules of the association. This gives those requiring quality asbestos training courses peace of mind when choosing a UKATA certified asbestos training provider.

Are individual tutors checked by UKATA for their competency?

Yes. All tutors are checked for their experience and time in the relevant asbestos field. As a minimum all UKATA certified asbestos training tutors must have 3 years’ experience within the last 5 years. In addition all tutors must hold relevant training certificates in their chosen subject. Then last but not least each tutor who delivers UKATA certified asbestos awareness training must have a successful audit by UKATA to determine their competency and professionalism before they are considered for UKATA asbestos training certification. Tutors must also undertake a test of their knowledge which must be passed before they can deliver asbestos training under the UKATA banner. All tutors are required to go through all elements again every three years and must produce an updated C.V.

Do UKATA asbestos training organisations have their facilities checked and verified?

Yes. Part of the UKATA certification process is a full audit and check on organisations training facilities.  Training centres are audited to ensure the facilities comply with the ‘Guidance on Minimum Standards for Training Centres’ particularly focusing on the key areas below:

  • Physical layout
  • Presentation equipment
  • Health & Safety
  • Welfare provision
  • Reference materials
  • Practical training area
    (Non-licensable & Licensable only)
  • Equipment & required standards
    (Non-licensable & Licensable only)

Oracle are proud to have a bespoke training centre where we deliver all of our UKATA certified asbestos training courses.

What courses are Oracle currently UKATA certified to deliver?

We are proud to have been members of and certified by UKATA for a number of years. The courses which we provide and are UKATA certified for are (including annual refresher):

If you are looking to book a course or just need more information on a particular course then contact a member of the team now or complete one of our online booking forms.

What is UKATA & Why Should You Use UKATA Asbestos Training Providers? 1

Written by Jess Scott

Jess Scott has been an all-round asbestos consultant since 1996. That’s nearly 3 decades of asbestos knowledge. He spends his time sharing that knowledge with the team at Oracle and with their clients. Jess's goal is, and always has been, to use my expertise in helping people to comply with the law. This legal compliance ultimately helps to protect everyone from the harmful effects of asbestos. Jess has acted as an asbestos expert witness in legal cases and is involved in many asbestos educational activities throughout the UK.