What should an asbestos removal quote include?

The era in which asbestos was in active and legal use in the UK as a construction material is now more than a generation ago, importation and use of the fibrous silicate mineral having been banned in 1999. However, amid estimates that as many as 1.5 million buildings in the UK might still contain asbestos, it is clear that the material is still not a merely “historical” matter.

What should a quote for asbestos removal include?

Today, stringent regulations exist to help guard against the health risks that asbestos can still pose in the UK. This includes in the buildings (dating from before the year 2000) in which the material remains present.

Although the potentially extremely serious dangers that asbestos poses to health are now well-documented – around 5,000 deaths in the UK still being attributable to asbestos-related disease – the law does not require that asbestos be removed in all cases. It may be possible to leave asbestos in place and manage and monitor it over time, if the material is in good condition and unlikely to be disturbed.

There may, however, be some circumstances in which you do decide to have certain asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) removed from your premises, if you are classed as a “dutyholder” for that property under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012). Typically, you may do this if you judge that the ACMs would present too high a disturbance and exposure risk if they were simply left in place.

In the event, however, of you deciding that you will need to request a quote for asbestos removal, you will need to know exactly what that quote includes. After all, asbestos removal can be a very complex and expensive undertaking, and you will want to avoid taking any unnecessary legal or health risks.

A comprehensive asbestos quote will enable you to cover all those risks, ensuring that every necessary step will be taken for the given asbestos removal operation, at the right price.

What should you look for in a professional asbestos removal company?

We have written in the past about what some of the most important qualities are in an asbestos removal company.

To return to what we wrote about back then, the subject of licensing can be a confusing one for many. The term “licensed contractor” is typically used in reference to an asbestos removal company that holds a licence to carry out such work from the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

However, while some types of asbestos removal work – such as the removal of sprayed coatings (limpet asbestos) or removal work that may disturb pipe lagging – does require the use of a licensed contractor, there are other forms of asbestos removal that do not.

Bear in mind, though, that if a given asbestos removal contractor is merely trained rather than licensed, using the services of the former will likely constitute a much greater risk than the latter. After all, unlicensed asbestos removal operatives may claim to have been undergone training to a sufficient standard, when that might not actually be the case.

For further reassurance as to the quality of the asbestos removal company that you ultimately hire, you might keep an eye out for further industry accreditations, such as CHAS (The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme) or SafeContractor accreditation. However, these aren’t technically essential accreditations for an asbestos removal firm to have.

What should a quote for asbestos removal include?

Once you have decided on and contacted an asbestos removal company, you should expect the following to be included in your quote:

Project overview

The quote that you request for asbestos removal should come with a description of the ACMs that are to be removed, alongside details of specific locations within the property where the asbestos is present.

Cost details

The asbestos removal company that you approach for a quote should, of course, clearly set out the total costs of the requested work, as well as any additional fees associated with the removal operation.

As we explained in our previous guide to asbestos removal costs, there are many different elements and stages of the removal process that will determine how much you pay. Those will encompass the likes of the removal team and labour, the removal materials and equipment, the necessary testing, and the removal of asbestos waste.

You can also expect any good asbestos removal contractor to provide a clear explanation of the payment terms and conditions, as part of a policy of transparency.


You should also be given an indication of timescales with your asbestos removal quote. The asbestos removal company should propose a start date and an expected completion date for the removal project.

Furthermore, an outline ought to be provided of significant phases and milestones during the removal project, so that you know in advance what to expect at different stages.

Methods of asbestos removal

It should be clear from the quote and accompanying information provided what removal method(s) will be used. While some ACMs on your premises may be subject to complete removal, others may be encapsulated in order to effectively shield them from future disturbance.

You can also expect a reputable asbestos removal contractor to give you an explanation of safety protocols and the equipment that will be used to ensure safe removal.

Waste disposal

The handling, transportation, and disposal of asbestos waste are all processes that are subject to strict regulations. You can therefore expect your asbestos removal contractor to set out a plan for how these actions will be implemented in a safe manner.

The asbestos removal company’s explanation of the waste disposal costs and procedures will also be key to managing your expectations as a client.

Insurance and licensing information

Evidence of the asbestos removal company’s public liability insurance, as well as its HSE licence for asbestos removal (if you have opted for a licensed asbestos removal contractor instead of a merely trained one), should be visible to reassure you about the company’s legal compliance.

If other accreditations and relevant certifications are displayed in prominent locations such as the asbestos removal company’s website, this will go a long way to demonstrating expertise and credibility.

Health and safety compliance

The measures that are set out as part of the asbestos removal quoting process should all show that the company takes extremely seriously the importance of always complying with CAR 2012, as well as any other relevant legislation that may be necessary to ensure safety.

The provision of risk assessments and method statements, outlining safety measures for the removal project, should give you further confidence in your chosen contractor’s services.

Resources provided

If it is not made clear at the same time you are provided with an asbestos removal quote, it is worth seeking clarification on who will be responsible for providing water, power, and other utilities while the asbestos removal operation is being carried out.

A further step that should be taken is the provision of suitable welfare facilities for the workforce, in compliance with the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992.

Additional services

Does the quote that you have been given for asbestos removal also include post-removal cleaning and decontamination services? This is something else that you should be left in no doubt about, given the critical importance of these processes for restoring the affected site to a safe condition.

It will also reassure you if the company provides details on the air monitoring or clearance testing that will be conducted after the asbestos removal. Such steps are vital for ensuring environmental safety.

Client responsibilities

As the client requesting that asbestos is removed from your property, you will have certain responsibilities of your own in your dealings with the asbestos removal contractor. So, the company providing a quote for such work should explain, ahead of time, what those client responsibilities will be, and how you can prepare.

The asbestos removal company’s clear communication of any access requirements and site restrictions that will apply during the project will enable you to take the steps necessary to minimise disruptions.

Notification handling

You may not be knowledgeable about what exact notifications need to be made to relevant authorities, such as the HSE, in relation to the proposed asbestos removal work. However, the asbestos removal company itself should certainly be able to confirm that the necessary notifications will be made.

As we explained in our previous piece on notifications and waivers for asbestos work, Regulation 9 of CAR 2012 imposes a legal requirement to provide notification if the intended asbestos work will require the use of a HSE-licensed contractor. This is vital for ensuring both legal compliance and safety.

Under current UK law, notification is required for licensable asbestos work. It is also a requirement for certain non-licensable asbestos work for which there is nonetheless an obligation to notify.

Examples of notifiable non-licensed work (NNLW) include the removal of asbestos insulating board as part of a refurbishment project, as well as the removal of asbestos cement products (such as roof sheeting) where the material has sustained substantial damage or been broken up (for example, due to flood or fire damage).

Your chosen asbestos removal contractor should be able to explain – alongside their presented quote – the legal obligations regarding the notification of hazardous work and compliance measures.

Conclusion: there is a lot that needs to be included in an asbestos removal quote

Although every asbestos removal project will inevitably be different to any other, there are certain fundamental elements that consistently make up asbestos removal quotes.

The next such quote that you request should come with a transparent and complete explanation of the total costs themselves. This should be accompanied by information on the timescales, the asbestos removal methods that will be used, and the resources that will be provided.

Here at Oracle Solutions, we would urge those looking at asbestos removal companies to seek multiple quotes in order to compare the completeness, professionalism, and compliance with safety standards of different contractors.

Furthermore, we would emphasise that in no circumstances should you attempt to carry out “DIY” or amateur asbestos removal as an alternative to contacting qualified professionals, such are the potentially very severe risks involved.

To learn more about our own fully HSE-licensed asbestos removal services at Oracle Solutions, and to ask for a quote from us, please don’t hesitate to contact us online or by phone.

Mark Carter

Written by Mark Carter

Mark Carter is a renowned expert in asbestos management, offering clients vital guidance on compliance and safety. His expertise is invaluable for navigating asbestos regulations, ensuring both safety and legal adherence. Mark's role is central in providing effective asbestos-related solutions, helping clients achieve their business objectives with an emphasis on regulatory compliance and safety in asbestos management.