Asbestos Guides & Information

Find out more about asbestos related issues, tips and advice

Asbestos Guides & Information

6 Asbestos Statistics and Myths Exposed – What the Stats Reveal

Asbestos remains a major health risk in the UK, with over 1.5 million buildings still containing asbestos. Every 90 minutes, someone dies from asbestos-related disease. This article debunks common asbestos myths using key asbestos statistics to highlight the ongoing dangers and legal responsibilities.

How do you calculate asbestos levels when air testing and monitoring?

How do you calculate asbestos levels when air testing and monitoring?

Ensuring safety and legal compliance, asbestos air testing and monitoring are crucial in managing asbestos risks. Accurate calculations of airborne asbestos levels inform necessary safety measures. Discover the methods and procedures for effective air sampling and laboratory analysis to determine asbestos concentrations, providing essential insights into regulatory requirements and best practices for maintaining a safe environment.

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