Asbestos Cement Roof Sheeting & Wall Cladding Removal Cost Guide for 2025

For commercial buildings and structures with external asbestos cement corrugated roof sheeting and wall cladding.

Asbestos Cement Roof Sheeting & Wall Cladding Removal Cost Guide for 2025 1This article gives you everything you need to know about how much the cost will be to have large scale corrugated asbestos cement roof sheeting and wall cladding removed and disposed of.

Asbestos corrugated cement sheeting and cladding is the most widely used and most commonly found asbestos product in the UK. There are many different types, shapes and sizes that have been used on millions of commercial buildings. This asbestos sheeting and cladding has been primarily used for exterior weather proofing and general external construction.

Asbestos Cement Roof Sheeting & Wall Cladding Removal Cost Guide for 2025 2Below you will find a price list which will help you to work out the costs you are likely to encounter. The cost of removing and disposing of corrugated asbestos roof sheeting and wall cladding is mainly dependent on four things. Its extent (size / area), its condition, its location (height and accessibility) and its type (thickness / weight). Each one of these items can make the price of asbestos cement sheeting removal differ greatly.

This is a guide and is designed to give you an idea of cost. Once you have looked at the guide and feel that the asbestos removal will be within your budget you will need to speak to a member of the team to give you a fixed price quotation. This quotation will be based on all the details specific to your project.

For a fast & free asbestos quote call
0844 800 0801 or request your quote online.

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Below you will find detailed information on the removal of asbestos cement sheeting and wall cladding which will help you understand which cost is relevant to you and why.

Before you view the pricing structure, here is some basic information which will help you in understanding the costs surrounding the removal of asbestos cement sheeting and wall cladding.

When was corrugated asbestos cement roof sheeting & wall cladding used?

Asbestos cement corrugated sheeting and wall cladding has been used extensively throughout the period from circ 1930 through to the UK total asbestos ban in late 1999.

If you have a building or structure which was built before the year 2000 and it has corrugated roof sheeting and or wall cladding, then there is a high probability that it is asbestos cement.

Are there different types of sheeting and cladding & do they affect cost?

Yes. There are many types of asbestos cement corrugated sheeting and cladding and each one has certain characteristics which can affect the cost of removal. There are in fact to many variations to list. To help with your cost guide we have listed the main types with their characteristics and why these would affect cost.

Profile 3 Corrugated Cement Sheets

The most common. Like those used on a typical garage roof. These are corrugated asbestos cement sheets used for roofing and wall cladding. The corrugation is 3 inches in length from curve to curve and is the smallest of the main profiles. That means these sheets are lighter than the others and as such have the least impact on price regarding disposal costs.

Profile 6 (Big 6) Corrugated Cement Sheets

These are corrugated asbestos cement sheets used for roofing and wall cladding. The corrugation is 6 inches in diameter and is the largest of the main profiles. It is commonly known as “Big 6” sheeting. That means these sheets are heavier than the others and as such have the most impact on price regarding disposal costs.

Trafford Profile Cement Sheets

These are roof sheets which have half of the sheet corrugated and half as a flat sheet. Once installed these are hard to identify as the corrugated part of the next sheet on fitting hides the flat part of the previous sheet. Where used these asbestos cement roof sheets give a double sheeted construction to the roof. This means that the area of the roof in question is double the size in asbestos cement. That is double the cost for disposal and takes a lot longer to remove.

Do I need an asbestos survey?

Yes. Prior to the safe removal and disposal of asbestos corrugated roof sheeting or wall cladding you must identify the asbestos which is present. A survey will also identify its extent and exact locations. This allows the asbestos removal contractor to prepare the required risk assessments to ensure safe removal of the asbestos materials.

Does the type of asbestos in the sheets matter?

No. Asbestos cement has been known to contain all the three main types of asbestos fibres. Chrysotile (White), Amosite (Brown) and Crocidolite (Blue) asbestos. Chrysotile (White) is the most common. Regardless of the actual asbestos present the removal technique is the same.

The risk from asbestos cement sheeting is based on its density and the potential for it to release asbestos fibre into the air when being damaged or removed. All types of asbestos fibres are equally as hazardous if released into the air.

What are the basic techniques to safely remove asbestos cement sheeting?

When removing asbestos corrugated roof sheeting and wall cladding the basic techniques include:

  • Fully trained and experienced asbestos removal operatives
  • Full asbestos removal respiratory protective equipment
  • Full asbestos removal personal protective equipment
  • Safe access to the asbestos removal working area
  • A well demarcated and restricted designated asbestos removal working zone
  • Heavy duty polythene and heavy-duty asbestos waste sacks
  • Large selection of hand tools including bolt croppers
  • Asbestos removal “H” type vacuum cleaners
  • Low pressure sprayers with asbestos removal fibre suppressant fluid

Asbestos cement sheets are carefully handled at all times. Roof sheets are generally held in place with bolts which must be cropped to release the sheet. This bolt cropping is undertaken without damaging the sheet. The sheet is then sprayed with a good amount of asbestos fibre suppressant.

During all removal processes asbestos “H” type vacuums are used to control any accidental release of asbestos fibres from small breakages if they occur and to clean surfaces from where the asbestos roof sheets have been removed. Asbestos cement sheets are then carefully maneuvered to the floor where they are suitable double wrapped for transfer to an appropriate asbestos waste station.

Where there are large quantities of asbestos cement sheeting it is usual for sheets to be carefully placed directly into an asbestos waste container ready for direct transfer to a suitable asbestos waste receiver or landfill site. These work practices are continued for each and every sheet that is being removed. Careful attention is given to surrounding areas and surfaces to ensure all asbestos cement materials and associated dust or debris is controlled and cleaned away as the project progresses.

What are the main things that affect price when removing asbestos cement sheeting?

As well as the actual removal and disposal of asbestos boarding there is all the setting up to consider. All these things have an impact on the cost of the removal and disposal. In our pricing section we have assumed that all the following will need to be included within the cost. However, these may differ from site to site. The following are a selection of the main things to consider which may influence the price you pay.

Access Arrangements / Scaffolding Etc.

With asbestos corrugated roof sheeting and wall cladding the areas are generally at height. Dependent on the height there will be a need for safe access. This will be via scaffolding towers, fixed scaffolding or powered access. Each site is different and as such costs for this type of access must be obtained per individual project. The cost of this access can differ greatly depending upon the location of the asbestos cement sheets.  


The condition of the asbestos roofing sheets and wall cladding is of paramount importance. If asbestos sheeting is in a very poor condition with many broken and damaged areas the time to ensure cleanliness will increase. Large areas of damage create a lot of additional work and as such increase the cost dependent on the time required.

Extent / Size / Area / Double Skin & Insulation

This is an obvious cost changer. The size of a roof must be accurate as it will have a direct effect on the cost of removal and disposal. Be sure to consider any pitches or hidden areas that may change the size of the actual meterage area to be removed.

In addition to the size and area what most people do not look out for is the actual construction of the roof sheeting or wall cladding. In some cases, asbestos cement sheeting can be double clad and even have non asbestos fibre glass insulation between the sheets. You must ensure that all of the detail has been checked. A double clad asbestos cement roof with fibre glass insulation can add up to 70% more cost from that of a single skin asbestos cement roof. These double clad roofing structures can be hard to identify unless you have good access to check and you know what your looking for.

Type / Weight

Asbestos removal cost is driven by the price of correct asbestos disposal. With asbestos cement sheeting this is primarily down to the weight of the asbestos sheets being removed. A check should be made of the type and thickness of the sheeting. This will enable correct calculations for the weight of the waste disposal that will be required. If contractors do not undertake good calculations, they will err on the side of caution and may charge you for worse case scenario. This could mean that you will end up paying much more.

Electric and Water

To enable the asbestos cement sheeting removal to take place the contractor will need an adequate supply of electric and water for the duration of the project. Some sites require external power and water supplies through generators and water bowsers.


The contractor will require sufficient on-site welfare facilities for the duration of the project. Although these can be found at many sites it is sometimes easier and safer for the asbestos removal contractor to provide their own.

Do I need asbestos air monitoring and testing during the removal of cement sheeting?

Air testing although not a legal requirement is sometimes considered and recommended dependent on the site and individual circumstances. This air monitoring can be used to provide data on the effectiveness of control measures being used for the asbestos roof sheeting and wall cladding removal. This is an additional cost and if required will be discussed at quotation stage.

Do I need a licensed asbestos removal contractor?

Removal and disposal of asbestos cement corrugated roof sheeting and wall cladding is not a licensed activity. However, it still requires removal and disposal to be carried out in full accordance with current and relevant legislation.

You have a duty of care to ensure the contractor you are using is doing the work in the correct manner. Fail to do this and you may end up being prosecuted. So, the question is how do you check that a contractor is competent to undertake the works? A few certificates for non-licensed asbestos removal dos does not mean competence and you are still at risk.

This is why it is always recommended that you use an HSE licensed asbestos removal contractor. For a license the HSE check a contractor’s competence before a license is issued. This gives you peace of mind that you have done your due diligence when it comes to asbestos.

Cost of removal of asbestos cement corrugated roof sheeting and wall cladding. These costs are based on the following assumptions:

Type: Standard Profile 3

  • There is good access to the area being worked on
  • The asbestos sheeting is generally in good whole condition
  • The meterage price is for single skin asbestos sheeting
  • Fixed scaffold or powered access will be additional cost
  • Client to provide welfare, power & water supply
Profile 3 – Asbestos Corrugated Roof Sheeting & or Wall Cladding:
Asbestos Cement Sheeting Removal & Disposal:
Cost Per Metre Squared:
Total Area – 101 to 500 Square metres£35 per m2
Total Area – 501 to 1000 Square metres£32 per m2
Total Area – 1001 to 2000 Square metres£28 per m2
Total Area – More Than 2000 Square metres£25 per m2

Cost of removal of asbestos cement corrugated roof sheeting and wall cladding. These costs are based on the following assumptions:

Type: Standard Profile 6 (Big 6)

  • There is good access to the area being worked on
  • The asbestos sheeting is generally in good whole condition
  • The meterage price is for single skin asbestos sheeting
  • Fixed scaffold or powered access will be additional cost
  • Client to provide welfare, power & water supply
Profile 6 (Big 6) – Asbestos Corrugated Roof Sheeting & or Wall Cladding:
Asbestos Cement Sheeting Removal & Disposal:
Cost Per Metre Squared:
Total Area – 101 to 500 Square metres£38 per m2
Total Area – 501 to 1000 Square metres£35 per m2
Total Area – 1001 to 2000 Square metres£32 per m2
Total Area – More Than 2000 Square metres£30 per m2

Cost of removal of asbestos cement corrugated roof sheeting and wall cladding. These costs are based on the following assumptions:

Type: Trafford Profile

  • There is good access to the area being worked on
  • The asbestos sheeting is generally in good whole condition
  • The meterage price is for single skin asbestos sheeting
  • Fixed scaffold or powered access will be additional cost
  • Client to provide welfare, power & water supply
Trafford Profile – Asbestos Corrugated Roof Sheeting & or Wall Cladding:
Asbestos Cement Sheeting Removal & Disposal:
Cost Per Metre Squared:
Total Area – 101 to 500 Square metres£60 per m2
Total Area – 501 to 1000 Square metres£55 per m2
Total Area – 1001 to 2000 Square metres£45 per m2
Total Area – More Than 2000 Square metres£40 per m2

The key points of asbestos corrugated cement roof sheeting and wall cladding removal

Here are all the basics you need to remember and consider when looking for costs if you have a project that will require asbestos corrugated cement roof sheeting and or wall cladding removal & disposal.

You must have:

  • (Recommended) HSE licensed and insured asbestos removal contractor.
  • Correct identification of the asbestos
  • Exact location, extent and condition of the asbestos
  • Good weight calculation for asbestos waste
  • Good and safe access to the working area
  • A segregated working area.
  • Welfare, power & water facilities
  • Asbestos removal techniques in line with current legislation.
  • Full and appropriate disposal of asbestos waste.
  • Appropriate waste disposal paperwork & completion certificate


Additional Resources About Asbestos Costs

For more information about asbestos removal, the types of removals, and costs see our growing resource of removal related information.

If you're looking for general asbestos removal information, then take a look at our asbestos removal service page.

Disclaimer: Any prices outlined within these cost guides may vary from time to time dependant upon market fluctuations or project complexities. Always seek a specific price and quotation for your particular requirements. These costs are for guidance purposes only.

For a fast & free asbestos quote call
0844 800 0801 or request your quote online.

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Asbestos Cement Roof Sheeting & Wall Cladding Removal Cost Guide for 2025 3

Written by Jess Scott

Jess Scott has been an all-round asbestos consultant since 1996. That’s nearly 3 decades of asbestos knowledge. He spends his time sharing that knowledge with the team at Oracle and with their clients. Jess's goal is, and always has been, to use my expertise in helping people to comply with the law. This legal compliance ultimately helps to protect everyone from the harmful effects of asbestos. Jess has acted as an asbestos expert witness in legal cases and is involved in many asbestos educational activities throughout the UK.